Why I’d Recommend the Google Ads Training Workshop | Urban Element

Why I’d Recommend the Google Ads Training Workshop

19/01/2021 | Digital Marketing | 3 minutes

Personal Development has always been a big deal for our Managing Director, Natasha Ellard. With that in mind, and like my other colleagues, I was encouraged to undergo some training to better develop my skills and knowledge.

Google Ads has become an increasingly prominent part of my day-to-day schedule now at Urban Element. It is an area that I have always enjoyed and am very keen to improve in.

Fortunately for me, at the latter stage of last year, BrightonSEO was running a Google Ads Training Workshop, and much to my joy, I was given the go-ahead to attend the day’s event.

Google Ads Training - Event Invite

At first, I wasn’t sure quite what to expect.

I was wondering if the level being taught would suit my current ability, if there would be opportunities for interaction and engagement, and if I would come away with enough knowledge to make a real difference to accounts which I manage.

I am pleased to announce the Google Ads Training Workshop exceeded on all fronts.

The workshop really delved into everything you need to know to make a success of the campaigns you’re running. Attendees were encouraged to have their turned camera on and to speak up and ask as many questions as possible to make the session as ‘humanised’ and interactive as possible, which I thought was a nice touch.

The workshop focused on ways to optimise your account, how to minimse wasted Ad spend, and various strategies and techniques to get the most from the campaigns to ensure the best possible chance of success. I was truly amazed at the amount of content that was covered in just a day’s training.

I came away from the day completley blown away with the knowledge I obtained, and truly excited at the prospect of getting to work and improving my client’s campaigns.

Google Ads Logo

On another note, it was reaffirming to me to discover that I had already been doing a lot right for our clients and was already following the best practices that were being taught. It did, however, provide me with an even greater level of insight into how to develop my strategies further and take things to that ‘next level’.

There’s honestly so much you can do with Google Ads, and it can be somewhat overwhelming, but it is a challenge that is sure worth the rewards.

It is incredibly positive to see that through implementing what I learned from this course, some of our clients have already started to experience even greater success as a result, such as Buildbase (read the full Grafton Group Case Study). Making a real difference to our clients is something we pride ourselves on, so to their success is considered our success.

Now that I am equipped with the takeaways from the course, we as a team, look forward to celebrating even more successes across all of our clients and their Google Ads campaigns.

If you wanted to know any further information about the Google Ads Training Workshop, or you would like to find out how Google Ads can accelerate your business, then please let us know.

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